My Top 10 Favorite Looks from the Project Runway Season 16 Finale


The talent on Project Runway, as well as the drama, were very very real this season. Even if you haven't turned Lifetime on in years, I'm sure you heard about TWO SEPARATE CHEATING SCANDALS related to the oh-so-irritating twin competitors Claire and Shawn Buitendorp. If you can't already tell, I'm quite happy they did not place as a finalists. But I digress...

This season, the finale consisted of collections made by the final four contestants, Margarita Alvarez, Brandon Kee, Ayana Ife and the now reigning champion, Kentaro Kameyama. It was a close competition with plenty of high scores and wins during the season for each of the finalists. And in my opinion, this finale show did not make it any easier to decide as a viewer, who should win.

Typically, I have a strong opinion about which collection I think is the strongest. But in this particular case, I had a hard time deciding. I liked pieces and concepts from everyone's collection, but wasn't particularly drawn to or put off by any one collection. 

What's nice about this season finale is that if you printed photos of each garment and asked someone to categorize them into the four different collections, it would take them a total of 30 seconds. Meaning that each collection was different from the others and that the pieces within them were ultra cohesive.

But I'd go insane if I had to choose a favorite collection, so instead I will show you my top 10 favorite looks from the episode. In no particular order, here we go.


Ayana - Look #4

I love the silhouette of this garment. It not only looks chic and professional, it looks relaxed and comfortable. Plus the headwrap really takes this to the next level as a statement look



Kentaro - Look #4

While I'm not crazy about the peachy and in this case flesh-tone of the pant in the back (I think the lack of contrast doesn't do this model many favors,) I thought of how much I adored the front detailing on the pant and how often I would come up with excuses to wear the draped portion of the blouse (over a longer undershirt of course in my case) if I owned it. It was definitely memorable and one of my favorite looks from this collection.



Brandon - Look #1

I really love the simplicity and unique hems and finishes to this dress. The rounded off outline of the skirt and sleeves make for a softness and femininity that I couldn't get over, while the contrast of the solid pale orange top and the light flouncy pattern of the skirt makes it bold enough as well. I wish a bit more of this orange fabric and maybe other solids had been used more in his collection.



Margarita - Look #6

I thought this bold and colorful look was truly fantastic. I felt that the top was something every girl dreams of having in her closet,  and that the pants were charmingly nostalgic, almost reminding me of wallpapers and paper cups from the 90's. I could see both of these garments work well with other looks as well. But they were also at the same time truly made for each other.



Margarita - Look #9

This was another look from Margarita's collection that I felt utilized color well and also the right amount of bold and soft. Once again, she created separates I could see working with other items in a fashion-focused person's closet. I could see these items dressed up or down, and definitely can see this being someone's go-to when vacationing somewhere hot. Plus I felt that this took a classic silhouette to the next level.



Ayana - Look #6

It's hard to make me like a skirt over a pair of pants, but I'll make an exception for this look since the fit is so perfect. The skirt looks almost like an apron or an extension of the top. It's chic, has a lot of detail yet not too much, and has a soft yet utilitarian vibe to it that I found truly beautiful.



Brandon - Look #3

With Thanksgiving just being over a few days ago, these flowing and loose-fitting garments are really catching my eye. And I love the ribbon effect on the sides of Brandon's garments in this collection. That particular detail is so slimming and adds so much texture to these garments. The way that the vest hugs the dress in the back is also just effortlessly feminine. 



Margarita - Look #10

When it came to the pieces I loved in Margarita's collection, they all had one thing in common: The owners of these garments would have an absolute blast putting them on every single time. They are so bright and vibrant and fun. And while I understand that they're not for every day and every occasion, she created the garments that would become a woman's go-to to have fun in, and there's so much value in that.



Ayana - Look #9

The two things that make this garment incredible are the volume and the movement. When the model walks, the different layers of the dress billow beautifully around her almost engulfing her in the fabric, making this perfect for a runway show. I wonder how it looks photographed when the model is standing still. I wonder if it loses anything when there's no movement for he fabric. But this is a very flattering silhouette and color scheme on the model.



Kentaro - Look #10

I can see how this look can be polarizing. But knowing Kentaro's aesthetic and background and after hearing the music he composed played along with the show, this garment is clearly appropriate and thoroughly inspired. Hell, I would wear it if someone could get ahold of it in a size 8. While the dress is a very simple silhouette, the netting detail is perfectly firm and holds its shape incredibly well while the model moves, creating a natural yet intentional looking effect. I thought it was a strong and memorable piece to end on and congratulate Kentaro on his win. 



My Favorite Looks All Together

Project Runway's "Sweet 16" is over, and onto another one! It's always bittersweet when we have to say goodbye to another set of designers...but we'll probably see them on All Stars soon. Let me know which looks were your favorite!

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