Angela Wator Brings Chairs Back To Life


We’re back with a new guest tastemaker for some quick-fire questions and a mini-curation of some fab Chairish finds!

This week we are treated to a much needed ray of sunshine in the colorful Chairish picks of Bash Party Goods founder Angela Wator. And being that a gram-worthy bash is just not complete without one of their number-shaped gold birthday cake sparklers or funky Memphis-inspired party plates, the company has become a staple for elevated party decor and goodie bag swag. Since 2017, her Chicago’s Logan Square brick and mortar store Festive Collective – in collaboration with Luft Balloons and Fun Cult – has been a hub for party decor inspo and crafting workshops.

Read on to find out which career moment she cherishes from this past holiday season, and what her process is for giving vintage finds a little TLC.

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Coolest vintage piece in your house?
I have this beautiful coffee table with a heavy glass top on a chubby brass and acrylic cross base. I fell backwards off a tall stool and landed on the table a month ago, and it somehow didn’t even break. So in addition to being totally gorgeous, it also has magic life-saving properties.

Most memorable career moment you’ve had so far?
Having my Bash Party Goods product line land in some major retailers was pretty exhilarating, but nothing topped being featured in a segment on NPR! Last December, Marketplace had me speak about holiday merchandising and how we drive so much traffic to our little shop, Festive Collective, throughout the season. Not only did I get a dedicated segment on my favorite national radio show, but I got to gush about Christmas nostalgia, which is definitely one of my favorite topics!

Pet peeve?
Clutter and mess! I am not a minimalist by any means, but if there’s a pen sitting on my desk, you better believe it was placed there, at that exact angle, very intentionally. Fortunately for my sanity, my kids also can’t stand things being out of place.

One talent you wish you had?
I wish I had some impressive carpentry skills! I love dreaming up ambitious DIY projects, but I’m often limited by my lackluster wood working skills. If I could pop together some built-in bookshelves or a new deck on a whim, I’d never stop!

Do you collect anything?
I have a real weakness for sad chairs: The ones that need a little mending, some fresh paint, new caning or upholstery, etc. Every time I bring in a newly adopted sad chair, they sit around for a year or ten before I actually fix them up. Once I do finally repair them, I can’t part with them, so I also have a big collection of mismatched chairs that don’t serve any purpose!

What would be the title of your autobiography?It Just Needs A Little Love! A Lifetime of Collecting Obnoxious Projects

Shop Angela’s Favorites


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