PETA keeps removing's exposé videos, and we all know why


YouTube comedy and news channel Cracked has been hit by the removal of a video by PETA. After releasing their second ever exposé video about the controversial animal rights organization, it was quickly removed by PETA, a similar fate to their first exposé published over a year ago.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I never liked or trusted PETA, (An organization thats name stands for "People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals"...Allegedly. Maybe they should rename themselves to PETAA.

When I was a little girl attempting to enjoy a carnival at school, the annual book fair, or any event of the sort, I would at some point have some sticky-handed adult shove a photo of a tortured chicken carcass into my face and tell me that because of my love for McNuggets, I as a seven year old girl was the main cause of the nature of the carcass pictured in the pamphlet.

As an impressionable child, I'd take the pamphlets home and look at the imagery of tortured and processed pigs and chickens, feeling as though in order to not become the type of person who condoned this sort of treatment, that I had to support this thing called PETA.

As time went on, I saw more and more PETA advertisements showing famous celebrities naked on magazine covers to show that they'd rather go naked than wear fur. "Fair enough," I thought to myself, as I justified the organization's way of thinking. Then I started to hear the stories of protestors throwing paint and blood onto those who didn't subscribe to their line of thinking and resorting to violence. And that's when I finally made the independent decision to stop trusting what PETA was informing me of. 

This all made me realize that there are more tactful and impactful ways of spreading the word on how the world can be better. And bullying young girls and throwing buckets of blood onto people were not the way to do it. Haven't these people ever seen "Carrie?" 

But the thing is, people typically have an understanding that you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. The problem is, they're not trying to catch flies. Organizations like these are trying to put an ideology out into the world in order to gain power over individuals, rather than try to spread a message of what we can all do to make the world a better place.

What makes me think that PETA is all about an ideology rather than making the world better for animals? Unfortunately, that was all covered in Katy Stoll's Cracked video which is now gone. But here is what she reported on, which PETA is not happy over 600,000 people now know thanks to the amount of time both exposé videos were left up on YouTube:

90% of all animals PETA takes in are euthanized. Many on the spot when dropped off. PETA workers even visit neighborhoods looking for unattended cats and wandering dogs and take them without confirming they have no owner. Recently, they picked up and euthanized a little girl's pet chihuahua in a single day. Why we even bother having five-day grace periods with organizations like this running rampant, I'll never know. To these kinds of people, these rules are I suppose mere suggestions.

PETA refuses to speak out against shelters that frequently (and quickly) euthanize animals. Maybe because birds of a feather flock together. And no, PETA. That's just an expression. There are no actual birds. And if there were, I know what you'd have done to them.

These videos were not Cracked's first time covering this extremist organization's hunger for the death of animals. In 2013, they published an article titled 5 Animal Rights Campaigns That Managed to Screw Over Animals, where they called out PETA and spokesperson Dan Shannon for calling for the euthanization of all 53 of Michael Vick's dogs after their rescue. 

Even the Huffington Post has gotten in on the action, covering  PETA Won't Answer Some Very Basic Questions About Why It Kills So Many Shelter Animals. Just go to Huffington Post's site and search "PETA." You'll be shocked as to how much controversy there is every few months about this organization.

I encourage each and every one of you to do your own research on this organization and to come up with your own conclusions. These are just my personal takeaways and I am not at all affiliated with Cracked. 

However, I am very disappointed in the fact that YouTube is allowing PETA to have Cracked's video removed. This is valid information that has been proven source after source, and can  inform people as to where their animal rights donations may be going, and how they can protect themselves and their animals from immediate euthanization.

I am hoping we see these videos resurface, as well as more information about this organization. No matter if you're an omnivore who volunteers at dog shelters and advocates for the proper treatment of pets, or a vegan who worries about the processing of animals in the food industry, you deserve to know what goes on in the organizations that impact what's important to you, and where your donated money goes

See this fan re-upload of the video discussed:

Below are some links to donate to organizations that miraculously don't get their jollies shaming children and attempting to refuse housing to traumatized dogs. Use them if you'd like. And make sure to give me a like on Facebook, to see more of what I find important.