8 Beloved Films That Exceeded My Expectations
If anything good came out of quarantine, it was the time I had to watch these films.
8 Beloved Films That Didn’t Live Up to the Hype
Let’s just say my viewing experience of these movies didn’t go quite as expected
Facts vs. Fiction | What was True and What was Fantasy about "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood"
Because no one rewrites history quite like Tarantino
"Crazy Rich Asians:" Is It Enough Of a Step In The Right Direction?
What were you expecting out of this movie and what can we expect from Hollywood in the future?
5 Things You Never Noticed from "Indian In the Cupboard"
I was too busy enjoying this adorable fantasy film to realize some weird things about it…
Why "Downsizing" is the Most Bizarre Movie-Watching Experience I've Had in Years
Remember how the ads for this movie just came and went? Here’s why
11 Parenting Fails from "A Quiet Place" (Spoiler Alert)
Good movie, awful parenting...(Spoiler alert)
5 Reasons Why "Annihilation" Was a Swing and a Miss
What in the world did I just watch? (Spoiler alert)
Why "Call Me By Your Name" is the smartest film I've seen in a long time
If it doesn't receive love at The Oscars, there is no justice