Who is Kim Pendavis?
Of the three members of the House of Pendavis interviewed in the film: Freddie, Sol and Kim, Kim tends to be the one the public knows the least about. Part of this is due to the fact that both Freddie and Sol are still around, frequently sharing their stories of the ballroom scene in interviews, while Kim passed away shortly after the release of Paris is Burning. But the other part possibly has to do with Kim’s reserved nature. Kim was known to be sweet, yet intensely ambitious and dedicated to his craft. It’s time we give this ball walker - best remembered in the film for being interviewed while sewing a garment, walking in the Town and Country category, and showing off fluid wrist movement while striking a pose - our undivided attention, and get into the life and legacy of Kim Pendavis.
Kim Was #1
Pendavis house members, featuring Avis in the center and Kim to the far right
While Kim and Freddie were collaborators in the House of Pendavis, Sol was just joining the house, after formerly being part of the house of Omni. Since Sol was preparing to leave for military service in Germany, Avis asked him to school Kim on some sewing techniques prior to his departure. And by the time Sol returned, Kim had risen through the Pendavis rankings as a seamstress and ball walker. To put it in Sol’s words, by the time he got back, “Kim was #1.”
In the past, House of Pendavis mother Avis has joked that Kim was trying to rule over said house. This was due to Kim’s undeniable loyalty to the house, and his tendency to be a stickler for perfection: A standard to which he held his fellow house-members. In a deleted scene from the film, Kim mentioned that while Avis was ok with accepting people as house members based on their personality or kind spirit, Kim disagreed, expressing that he felt that all members should be active in helping the house reach its full potential in competition, stating “If you’re in the house and you’re not doing anything…you should be booted.”
Kim and Freddie
Imagery from Paris is Burning
One of the most notable aspects of Kim’s life that the film captured was his close friendship with fellow house member and real-life housemate Freddie Pendavis.
Kim took Freddie in when Freddie was having issues with his own family. Jennie Livingston has mentioned that Freddie’s move followed the death of Kim’s biological mother, which he and his sisters were still adjusting to. Freddie and Kim lived together for several years, with Freddie becoming Kim’s prodigy.
Kim and Freddie on a bus back to NYC from Washington DC
After Kim passed on some of his sewing knowledge to Freddie, Freddie began to develop his own technique for cutting fabric patterns with impeccable precision. After a while, Kim and Freddie’s synergy for creating garments became so strong, that Kim made it a point to not take on a sewing project unless he could be guaranteed that Freddie would be cutting all of his patterns.
After long nights at the sewing machine and ironing board, Freddie would accompany Kim to the balls. Freddie would not only help Kim get into costumes and press garments backstage, but he also provided moral support for his friend.
“It helps when someone is there in your corner, at your side saying ‘You can do it. You’re gonna be fine. Just go out there and do what you usually do.’”
After witnessing their strong bond, viewers of Paris is Burning often suspected romantic involvement between the two. Even Sol Pendavis has insinuated that they may have been lovers. But Freddie has in fact confirmed in a conversation with Jennie Livingston, Sol Pendavis and Thomas Allen Harris that he and Kim were just very close friends.
His Legacy
Pendavis at the 1991 Paris is Burning ball, walking in the Town and Country category
According to Freddie, Kim was a very private person, and didn’t enjoy being on camera when they began filming Paris is Burning. Before Kim’s performance in one of the ballroom categories seen in the film, Freddie approached him to encourage him to relax and have fun with the whole experience. After that, he warmed up to the entire experience.
While rewatching the film in 2005 for a commentary recording, Freddie got emotional witnessing his late friend perform on screen, both at his sewing machine and on the ballroom floor. He’s stated that the film captured Kim during one of his contemplative times. That people underestimated him a lot, possibly because of how reserved he seemed. He was always willing to put his best work out there on the ballroom floor, and - win or lose - accept the outcome as a challenge to out-do himself the next time around.
“I like the competition. Makes me stronger. Makes me think more. Makes me want to come back and get them. It’s not just the winning. It’s the giving too. Because I feel that I give a lot of enjoyment to a lot of people...They enjoy [seeing] it and I enjoy [walking] for them. That’s my philosophy.”
Because Kim both crafted his garments, and walked in the categories himself, he had a keen understanding of what it took to put on a good production, from start to finish. He once said to Freddie Pendavis:
“There are a lot of great performers on stage. But you have to look at those people [backstage,] because those backstage people...help that star achieve the performance that you see.”
Kim passed away sometime between 1992 and 1993 from heart failure. He was in his early 20s. The lack of public information known about his life has even created confusion between major publications. Some sources claim that Kim was a trans man, while others claim he was a cisgender gay man. But regardless, the important thing to know is that Kim Pendavis was a man, and a fiercely talented and hard-working one at that.